Dessau Summer School of Architecture 2025 - Bauhaus Dessau 100! ... Take the Chance ...

In 2025, Bauhaus Dessau will celebrate its 100th birthday!

The Dessau Summer School of Architecture develops its thematic focus from the relevance of Bauhaus Dessau in the history of architecture. Parts of the course are conducted within Bauhaus Dessau.
At the Dessau Summer School of Architecture, participants from different nations enter into an architectural dialogue on a review of modernity in architecture. To this purpose, the components of the programme place current developments in architecture and design in relation to the history of modernity and to its evidence on site.

Dessau Summer School of Architecture starts with a workshop in cooperation with Bauhaus Dessau Foundation (see the 2012 results here or the 2016 results here) on the mutual relations between Education and Design in the Bauhaus Aula. Following this, the Studio is closely related to this context.
Art Class, Architecture and Society including German Language Class, Excursions to close and also more remote locations of Modern Architecture develop and deepen this focal point.

Program 2025


Cultural Transfer

In 2025, Bauhaus Dessau will become 100 years of age and you will become part of it! In studio, we will focus especially on one key topic of Bauhaus: The Cultural Transfer.

On the first day, studio will start with a workshop on the historic Bauhaus stage in Dessau-. This will initiate our continuous reference to Bauhaus history as well as to the Bauhaus building, the location of Dessau Summer School of Architecture.

We will also visit the new Bauhaus Museum, which opened in 2019.

Within architectural building typology, not only concert halls, museums or theatres serve the purpose of cultural transfer. Especially for the one – by – one interaction, architectures of a much smaller scale can cover all requirements: from the artists who perform a show, from the public who wants to get involved, and – also- the goal to make some money. At their best, these architectures even provide a place for the artists to take a break, and to rest.

Within studio, we will start researching historic as well as contemporary examples. Which role does architecture take in this context? How does materiality contribute to its details and its function? Shall we as designers anticipate a typical user -behaviour within the design process, or has the user even to become an integral part of this process?
As studio task, our design of a building will meet all these aspects according to the demands of today. Doing so, we will achieve a creative and well- founded position related to the historic Bauhaus – in the year of its 106th anniversary!

According to exam regulations, successful completion of this module requires a written or drawn work.

Form of final exam: presentation.
Start: June 2nd, 2025. End: July 11th, 2025

Prof. Stephan Pinkau,


Art Class

Composition of Cubes

Art Class will lead us from first graphic idea sketches over design drawings and a three-dimensional model to the final abstract sculpture.

Phase 1: Sketch and Design
using a pencil we study and develope
_ the cube as a three-dimensional element
_ the composition, as a relationship of the parts to the whole
_ different principles of order and individual design approaches

Phase 2: 3D-Modell
creating a three-dimensional clay modell we experience
_ mass and volume
_ dimension and proportion
_ statics und dynamics

Phase 3: Stone Sculpture
shaping the soap stone block manually we learn about
_ the characteristics of the material
_ the sculpture as a subtractive working process
_ the dynamics of space and volume
_ the expression of material, form and surface

According to exam regulations, successful completion of this module requires a written or drawn work.

Form of final exam: presentation.
Start: June 2nd, 2025. End: July 11th, 2025

Christa Fischer,


Architecture and Society

Living and studying in a foreign country means getting to know new people, their culture and history. The subject of “Architecture and Society” will give the students an overview about that topic.

To learn more about Germany, its geography and language will be one important part of studying at Anhalt University. Therefore, students will take a specific language class in order to learn and practice their German language skills.

The content of the lecture is focused on urban housing developments. It begins with the theory of functionalism and continues with the concepts of post-second word war housing projects, the experimental ideas of the metabolists, the post-modern concepts, recent projects and ends with informal sectors.

According to exam regulations, successful completion of this module requires a written or drawn work.

Form of final exam: presentation.
Start: June 2nd, 2025. End: July 11th, 2025

Prof. Dr. Gernot Weckherlin,
Dr. Richard Slipp,




Our Excursions will follow the traces of Modernism. In 2025, they will lead us to Berlin, and Hamburg.

You are supposed to gain an overview of these traces and to integrate your impressions and experiences into your studio project. The Excursions will offer an insight into German and European culture, considering not only the Modernism of the 1920’s, but also the older and newer history.

According to exam regulations, successful completion of this module requires a preparatory course and a report.

Form of final exam: presentation.
Start: June 2nd, 2025. End: July 11th, 2025

Prof. Dipl. Ing. Stephan Pinkau,



You can download the preliminary timetable for 2025 in PDF format here

Curriculum Regulations

You can download the Curriculum Regulations in PDF format.
Please click here.

General Information


Start: June 2nd, 2025. End: July 11th, 2025
Day of arrival: June 2nd, 2025
Day of departure: July 11th, 2025

Term of application

February 28th, 2025
In order to apply, please download the application form and send the filled form and the necessary attachments to


All courses are offered in English Language

Health Insurance

Make sure your health insurance will cover all costs, while you are staying in Dessau.

Address in Dessau

Anhalt University of Applied Sciences
Dessau Summer School of Architecture

Prof. Stephan Pinkau
c/o Your Name
Seminarplatz 2a
06846 Dessau


The closest airports are located in Leipzig and Berlin. From there take the train to Dessau main train station.
All students are to arrive in Dessau on June 2nd!


Two Students are sharing one furnished room
Rental duration: Start: June 2nd, 2025. End: July 11th, 2025


Anhalt University has its own cafeteria on campus, offering food at lunch time. (Costs 1.50-4 Euro each meal). There is also a student café open all day. Other possibilities are the Bauhaus Cafeteria and the Bauhaus Club.

The common kitchen makes self supply possible. We suggest to calculate the average amount of 10 Euro per day for meals. (self supply and one meal in the cafeteria.) Near to the apartments you will find shopping opportunities


The studio of the Summer School program is located at the building of the architecture department, providing internet access and printers.
Every student is asked to bring her/his own laptop.


Excursions for several days with overnight stay. The field trips will include architectural guided tours, building site visits and architectural practice visits.


1.050 EUR including fees, accomodation from June 2nd to July 11th, 2025 and the excursions — Exchange Students as well as Individuals are cordially invited to apply!

About the University

With its sites at Bernburg, Dessau, and Köthen, Anhalt University can call upon proud traditions in science, innovation, and cultural cosmopolitanism. These traditions guide us in research and teaching. Anhalt University has established close links with both national and international research institutions and partners in industry. New forms of teaching, small study groups and excellent research offer ideal conditions for a good start to a career either at home or abroad.

About the City

Dessau was first mentioned in 1213. During the period of Enlightenment, the famous Dessau-Woerlitz gardens were created. In 1774, Basedow established the wellknown “Philantropinum” – a reformed public school.

In 1919, Hugo Junkers developed and built the first metal aeroplane in the world. The world-renowned “Bauhaus” moved from Weimar to Dessau in 1925. Six years later, the Nazis forced its closure. Today, Walter Gropius’s Bauhaus Building in Dessau is a longestablished icon of Modernism.

Contact/ Project Team

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Stephan Pinkau (Director of the Program)
Chelsea Schedler MA MSc

Hochschule Anhalt
Dessau Summer School of Architecture
Seminarplatz 2a
06846 Dessau, Germany
Fon +49 (0) 177 1679 772
Fax +49 (0) 340 5197 1599


Thank you for your interest in applying to the Dessau Summer School of Architecture 2025. The closing date for applications is February 28, 2025. Please download the application form below and send the filled form and the necessary attachments to